Last night's dream had me in some post apocalyptic world, well mid-apocalyptic really. (It could be inspired by the fact that I saw 2012 last week.) I think a big flood was happeneing but not sure if it was caused by something else - like earthquakes or tsumanis or something.
Anyway, my friends and I were trying to get away or get to safety and I remember running through this building that had all these stair cases and ladders and tiny crawl spaces that basically caused a maze we had to navigate. We have to get to the top of the building, and then we somehow got into a huge canoe with about twenty people (I think it might have been an inflatable canoe too). So we are getting ready to go down this hill (or maybe it was a leaning building) and we see this big ark (you know, a really big boat). Also, there is a bunch of water at the bottom of the hill (basically everything is flooded). So the plan is that the canoe will stop by the ark so that my friends (J & A) and I can get into the ark. For some reason we are special because the other people on the canoe are not supposed to get on the ark.
So then the canoe gets going really fast sliding down this hill and doesn't stop at the arc. J, A, and I are yelling "Hey we're supposed to stop!" So then the canoe plunges into the water. Since the canoe is over capacity, some people (including me) are hanging off the edges of the canoe into the water. That's when we notice that there are crocdiles in the water and they are getting close. So then there is a big scene where we are fighting off the crocs and trying to get into the canoe. We are punching the crocs on the tops of their snouts, and then everyone is laying on top of each other in the canoe. I think some people got eaten, but not me or my friends.
So then later we are on a beach. J & I are running along the beach trying to get somewhere. She, of course, can run faster than me. She is running ahead of me with no regard to the fact that I am falling behind. What a jerk!
We finally arrive at the place we were going, and there are a bunch of other survivors there. They are all waiting in line to take a shower. The line for the men's shower is a bunch of naked guys in line in water. So they are all treading water in a line, waiting.
So, I walk around a little bit and see some women waiting in line and then I hear a loud speaker say something that ends with them calling my name. So I start asking everyone around me what the announcement had said. since the only part I caught was my name. I think they said I am supposed to go somewhere to contact someone - like maybe my family is looking for me. But I don't know where to go or exactly what they said. Then I woke up.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
In this dream, one of my bosses and I were tiny (like in Honey I Shrunk the Kids). We were standing on a leaning chain link fence (so it was like we were on the side of a big chain link hill to us). So, for us, the spaces between the links in the chain were about the length of three steps. So we had to take really big steps to get from one chain to the next and not fall through.
So we are trying to carry cherries up or down this chain link fence, and they are really heavy. They were about 4 times the size of my head. My boss (who is a man in his forties) could carry one at a time, but it was not easy. So I think he tried to hand me one, and I was pulling it by the stem, and trying to pull the cherry part up to me so I could grab it. But it was so heavy that I couldn't even move it.
That's all I remember.
So we are trying to carry cherries up or down this chain link fence, and they are really heavy. They were about 4 times the size of my head. My boss (who is a man in his forties) could carry one at a time, but it was not easy. So I think he tried to hand me one, and I was pulling it by the stem, and trying to pull the cherry part up to me so I could grab it. But it was so heavy that I couldn't even move it.
That's all I remember.
chain link fence,
Honey I Shrunk the Kids
Friday, December 4, 2009
Last night's dream started with me, my sister, and friend AN swimming in some long (think marathon) race. The three of us were on a team, so we were swimming together in the ocean or a huge lake or something. I don't remember wearing scuba or snorkeling gear, but I do remember that we were swimming for long periods of time underwater.
So after a while of this swimming, the water is all filled with lots of algae and moss and the water is greenish. I don't remember a lot of details, but eventually we got out of the water and went into a restaurant or something. My friend, SG, was there with Leonardo DeCaprio. So I was talking to Leo, because of course I knew him really well.
That's all I remember.
So after a while of this swimming, the water is all filled with lots of algae and moss and the water is greenish. I don't remember a lot of details, but eventually we got out of the water and went into a restaurant or something. My friend, SG, was there with Leonardo DeCaprio. So I was talking to Leo, because of course I knew him really well.
That's all I remember.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Missing Child
Last night, I had a pretty strange dream because in it I had a kid.
So my kid was grade school aged, and away on a school trip which was supposed to take a few days. I got a letter in the mail from the school telling me my kid was DEAD! So I was really upset for a couple of days, but then Mike was like "Do we know for sure that they are right? Maybe they made a mistake." That thought had never occurred to me in all my grief, I guess.
But then we got a letter in the mail from a funeral home (I think) saying that the suggested tiem for our kid's funeral was Thursday at 11:08am (I think). That's weird, I don't think funeral homes just send you a letter with a suggested time. So then we were thinking that we really should look further into this to see if the school was really right. And, BTW, the field trip hadn't come back yet by this time.
So then the point of view in the dream shifts and I am not looking from my own point of view. Instead I am just like watching a movie, and I see my kid - who looks like Dakota Fanning when she was younger. So she is wearing a school uniform and standing in front of a full size poster of her friend who is also in the school uniform. So she stands with the poster and has someone take a picture so it looks like the two girls were actually standing together when the picture was taken, and she says something like "They will think we were together in this picture."
And that's the end of the dream...
So my kid was grade school aged, and away on a school trip which was supposed to take a few days. I got a letter in the mail from the school telling me my kid was DEAD! So I was really upset for a couple of days, but then Mike was like "Do we know for sure that they are right? Maybe they made a mistake." That thought had never occurred to me in all my grief, I guess.
But then we got a letter in the mail from a funeral home (I think) saying that the suggested tiem for our kid's funeral was Thursday at 11:08am (I think). That's weird, I don't think funeral homes just send you a letter with a suggested time. So then we were thinking that we really should look further into this to see if the school was really right. And, BTW, the field trip hadn't come back yet by this time.
So then the point of view in the dream shifts and I am not looking from my own point of view. Instead I am just like watching a movie, and I see my kid - who looks like Dakota Fanning when she was younger. So she is wearing a school uniform and standing in front of a full size poster of her friend who is also in the school uniform. So she stands with the poster and has someone take a picture so it looks like the two girls were actually standing together when the picture was taken, and she says something like "They will think we were together in this picture."
And that's the end of the dream...
Dakota Fanning,
funeral home,
high school,
Black Shoes

A couple nights ago I had a dream that I went to a bar or show or something wearing black slip on shoes. Actually I was weraing two pairs of these shoes. One smaller inside another bigger pair. But I seemed to have forgotten that later on.
Anyway, during the show or whatever I took my shoes off, just as everyone else had taken their shoes off. So I go to put my shoes back on and find that thye are way too big - so I realize I have on someone else's shoes. By this time almost everyone else is gone. So I start looking around and there are tons and tons of black shoes all over the floor. And I am upset because someone took my shoes instead of their own, and I can't find my shoes.
During the dream, it didn't occur to me; but now I am wondering where all those people went without taking their shoes.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Weekend Dreams
Since I was with my family this weekend, I had a couple of dreams about them...
1. I was driving with my mom and step-dad in their van which had a Jesus vanity license plate on the front. (They are very religious, although I'm not sure if they really have a Jesus plate.) So we drive by a cop, and he yells at us something like "Hey that's a faggy license plate." So I turn around and go back and start yelling at the cop that he can't say that to us.
2. (First some real life background: My mom & dad met in high school, and then got married and 10 years later divorced. My mom & step-dad had mutual friends during college, but didn't get together until many many years later. Also, my mom has never drank alcohol.)
My mom and her three friends (in high school) were drunk at a party. Then she meets my step-dad and he gives them a ride home. Later my dad (who is my mom's boyfriend at the time) is mad because he doesn't like this guy that gave my mom a ride home. He thinks the guy is just trying to hook up with her.
1. I was driving with my mom and step-dad in their van which had a Jesus vanity license plate on the front. (They are very religious, although I'm not sure if they really have a Jesus plate.) So we drive by a cop, and he yells at us something like "Hey that's a faggy license plate." So I turn around and go back and start yelling at the cop that he can't say that to us.
2. (First some real life background: My mom & dad met in high school, and then got married and 10 years later divorced. My mom & step-dad had mutual friends during college, but didn't get together until many many years later. Also, my mom has never drank alcohol.)
My mom and her three friends (in high school) were drunk at a party. Then she meets my step-dad and he gives them a ride home. Later my dad (who is my mom's boyfriend at the time) is mad because he doesn't like this guy that gave my mom a ride home. He thinks the guy is just trying to hook up with her.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I had another real quick dream this morning (I think).
There were several people from my martial arts there. There was this big ocean-like area, but instead of water it was filled with sand. The sand moved like an ocean with waves. When a big wave would come, then after the wave a big depression would be left in the sand. Like after a real wave in the ocean, but instead of lasting for a few seconds the depression was permanent - until another big wave came later.
The only real detailed thing I remember is that a big tidal wave pulled CM out to sea and we were all trying to pull her back in. Her husband, AM, was trying to get her and I was pulling on her arm. But she was trapped under the sand because the tidal wave had covered her up with sand. And she was suffocating because she was under the sand.
There were several people from my martial arts there. There was this big ocean-like area, but instead of water it was filled with sand. The sand moved like an ocean with waves. When a big wave would come, then after the wave a big depression would be left in the sand. Like after a real wave in the ocean, but instead of lasting for a few seconds the depression was permanent - until another big wave came later.
The only real detailed thing I remember is that a big tidal wave pulled CM out to sea and we were all trying to pull her back in. Her husband, AM, was trying to get her and I was pulling on her arm. But she was trapped under the sand because the tidal wave had covered her up with sand. And she was suffocating because she was under the sand.
Last night's dream started at my dad's old house, which has a through driveway.
There was a guy sitting in a car in the driveway, and he was injured. As I was walking out to help him, a semi-truck came and rear ended the car and then left. So I got into the car to help the guy, and I saw that his eyes had been cut out. So, I was yelling to my sister that his eyes were cut out, and holding the guy in my arms when the semi comes and rear ends the car again. I am ok, but I think the guy is dead now. But then I notice he has a very weak pulse. So then my sister and I drive the car forward out the drivewway to try to take the guy to the hospital....
(Not sure how I got to this point, but...) We are pushing the guy in a wheelchair like through a neighborhood or something, and there are like three dogs also on the wheelchair with him. We get to a house where some people want to help us... And then something weird happens... The guy's soul is moved into a big dog... so now the dog & guy's soul are both in the non-injured dog's body. But we also have a lifeless dog's body (which has eyes cut out) which we have to carry to the hospital - and the human body is no longer there. So then we proceeded on our way to the hospital...
So then I took an hour nap while my sister finished taking them to the hospital. (I think this is due to the fact that I woke up at 5:20 and realized I had another hour to sleep.) Then I was back at the people's house that we had stopped at , I think. And I was really worried about the guy (I guess he was back to being a guy at this point). And I called to find out how his audition for a voiceover went (like a cartoon character or something) - because the guy was Ashton Kutcher. And he said it went really well.
There was a guy sitting in a car in the driveway, and he was injured. As I was walking out to help him, a semi-truck came and rear ended the car and then left. So I got into the car to help the guy, and I saw that his eyes had been cut out. So, I was yelling to my sister that his eyes were cut out, and holding the guy in my arms when the semi comes and rear ends the car again. I am ok, but I think the guy is dead now. But then I notice he has a very weak pulse. So then my sister and I drive the car forward out the drivewway to try to take the guy to the hospital....
(Not sure how I got to this point, but...) We are pushing the guy in a wheelchair like through a neighborhood or something, and there are like three dogs also on the wheelchair with him. We get to a house where some people want to help us... And then something weird happens... The guy's soul is moved into a big dog... so now the dog & guy's soul are both in the non-injured dog's body. But we also have a lifeless dog's body (which has eyes cut out) which we have to carry to the hospital - and the human body is no longer there. So then we proceeded on our way to the hospital...
So then I took an hour nap while my sister finished taking them to the hospital. (I think this is due to the fact that I woke up at 5:20 and realized I had another hour to sleep.) Then I was back at the people's house that we had stopped at , I think. And I was really worried about the guy (I guess he was back to being a guy at this point). And I called to find out how his audition for a voiceover went (like a cartoon character or something) - because the guy was Ashton Kutcher. And he said it went really well.
Ashton Kutcher,
cut out eyes,
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Hef and Clones
So, I had two dreams last night.
1. For some reason I was friendly with the “Girls Next Door” and Hugh Hefner. Since Hef is getting a divorce (which he is in real life), his ex-wife was going to get the Playboy Mansion as part of the settlement. So Hef was letting everyone come to the mansion on Tuesday and take anything they wanted. We could take dishes, paintings off the wall, anything that could be taken out of the mansion.
2. (This one may have been inspired by my friend's dream about a three year old clone.) I was at a party or group gathering or something. And there had previously been some clones there. (Full adult clones, like in “Multiplicity”.) But the clones were gone now – not just gone from the party, but didn’t exist anymore. Not sure if they were killed or they “expired” or what, but people weren’t really sad about it or anything, like they realized that it wasn’t good for clones to exist. But everyone was talking about how great the sex with the clones was. One lady was like, “Remember when we did it in the back of the SUV with the clone. Oh that was so great, I wish we could do it again… Don’t worry, honey, I’m not going to clone myself.” So I was REALLY wishing I had been there when the clones were there so I could have had great clone sex too, and so I was very disappointed.
1. For some reason I was friendly with the “Girls Next Door” and Hugh Hefner. Since Hef is getting a divorce (which he is in real life), his ex-wife was going to get the Playboy Mansion as part of the settlement. So Hef was letting everyone come to the mansion on Tuesday and take anything they wanted. We could take dishes, paintings off the wall, anything that could be taken out of the mansion.
2. (This one may have been inspired by my friend's dream about a three year old clone.) I was at a party or group gathering or something. And there had previously been some clones there. (Full adult clones, like in “Multiplicity”.) But the clones were gone now – not just gone from the party, but didn’t exist anymore. Not sure if they were killed or they “expired” or what, but people weren’t really sad about it or anything, like they realized that it wasn’t good for clones to exist. But everyone was talking about how great the sex with the clones was. One lady was like, “Remember when we did it in the back of the SUV with the clone. Oh that was so great, I wish we could do it again… Don’t worry, honey, I’m not going to clone myself.” So I was REALLY wishing I had been there when the clones were there so I could have had great clone sex too, and so I was very disappointed.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Gunned Down
Last night I had a dream that started out with a drive by shooting. These drive by shootings happened a few times, so then almost everyone I know was dead.
So then I & one other person (I don't remember who it was) were in this van, and we see the shooters outside. We are afraid they are going to try to kill us, so we keep hidden in the van. They start towing the van (backwards), and we are part of a caravan with a few other vehicles.
The other person & I are debating what to do, and then we see that we are coming to an intersection. So when they turn left (And now the van is facing toward the right turn since it is backwards), we drive the van to the right. Yeah, somehow we can drive the van off - it is suddenly not attached to anything. So we drive off really fast, and the shooters don't notice at first so we get some lead time.
So we drive into this big condo/townhouse community where we know someone. We go to their condo, but they have a tiny garage. Not big enough for the van, which we need to hide in case the shooters drive by and see it. So then I remember that my friend Z lives in the next row of condos with a bigger garage. We go over there, and she is a little hesitant to let us put it in the garage. She already has a SUV with a trailer attached in one side, but she still has another half empty (man that's a huge garage). So she lets us put it in there.
So then I am looking at the van from the outside, and I see that it kinda looks like the old station wagons, but more van-ish. It is off white with wood paneling along the sides.
So then I & one other person (I don't remember who it was) were in this van, and we see the shooters outside. We are afraid they are going to try to kill us, so we keep hidden in the van. They start towing the van (backwards), and we are part of a caravan with a few other vehicles.
The other person & I are debating what to do, and then we see that we are coming to an intersection. So when they turn left (And now the van is facing toward the right turn since it is backwards), we drive the van to the right. Yeah, somehow we can drive the van off - it is suddenly not attached to anything. So we drive off really fast, and the shooters don't notice at first so we get some lead time.
So we drive into this big condo/townhouse community where we know someone. We go to their condo, but they have a tiny garage. Not big enough for the van, which we need to hide in case the shooters drive by and see it. So then I remember that my friend Z lives in the next row of condos with a bigger garage. We go over there, and she is a little hesitant to let us put it in the garage. She already has a SUV with a trailer attached in one side, but she still has another half empty (man that's a huge garage). So she lets us put it in there.
So then I am looking at the van from the outside, and I see that it kinda looks like the old station wagons, but more van-ish. It is off white with wood paneling along the sides.
Friday, September 18, 2009
New Moon - all wrong
New Moon is the second book in the Twilight Saga. the movie is schedueld to come out in November. My friend, AM noticed that a lot of my dreams involve characters from Twilight, and then I promptly had a dream about them (last night).I was watching the New Moon movie and there were scenes in there that are absolutely not in the book and don’t even go with the story in the book, and I was thinking “Well how the hell are they going to resolve this?”I really can’t even remember the details of what was going on in the scenes, but it seems like Edward was fighting with some other vampires (not the Volturi) on a pool table or something.
I had this dream 2 nights ago...(GV & SG = two slightly older single guys I know.AM = A close friend of mine)A bunch of my friends were out in a group, and me & GV were flirting with each other a lot. And I think it was really obvious. And then I went with AM to go talk to a group of her college friends. And while with them, I was trying to put barrettes in my hair, and it just wasn’t cooperating, and I was getting really pissed. OK, so then later on in the evening, SG starting talking to me and he was leaning in real close to me.(It was like he realized that if GV could flirt with me, so could he.) And then there was some discussion about whether I was married (which I was), but I think it was just GV & SG discussing it with each other. SG was surprised that I was married, but GV knew and didn’t care.…OK, so then later I was in GV’s room. (Not sure how that happened.) He wasn’t there, but his mom was. I was sitting on a chair, and she told me that is the chair GV likes to have sex on! So, I started looking through a high school yearbook, thinking I would get to see a pic of GV – but instead it was my high school yearbook. So he had MY HS yearbook in his room. Then his mom started talking about how he had watched the movie they made about my life. And I said, “Yeah but they made the ending of the movie wrong. Actually Jacob is supposed to die, not Edward.” (Jacob & Edward are characters from Twilight.)And then I felt like I had to pee, and I contemplated just peeing on the chair. And then I was about to pee on the chair, and…… I woke up and almost peed the bed.
About Me
I decided to publish this blog to keep a record of all the crazy dreams I have been having lately. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, except in a few rare cases.I'm a 30-something DINK in middle America. I enjoy a wide range of movies, music, and books. Past dreams have included sex dreams about co-workers, trains running through my grandma's house, and Robert Pattinson. Actually, I've had a few dreams starring Robert Pattison lately. Sometimes he is Edward from twilight, and sometimes he is Rob.A while back I had one where Rob was at my house, and I was washing dishes. Then as he walks into the kitchen, I am getting some lettuce out of the cabinet.
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