Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Weekend Dreams

Since I was with my family this weekend, I had a couple of dreams about them...

1. I was driving with my mom and step-dad in their van which had a Jesus vanity license plate on the front. (They are very religious, although I'm not sure if they really have a Jesus plate.) So we drive by a cop, and he yells at us something like "Hey that's a faggy license plate." So I turn around and go back and start yelling at the cop that he can't say that to us.

2. (First some real life background: My mom & dad met in high school, and then got married and 10 years later divorced. My mom & step-dad had mutual friends during college, but didn't get together until many many years later. Also, my mom has never drank alcohol.)
My mom and her three friends (in high school) were drunk at a party. Then she meets my step-dad and he gives them a ride home. Later my dad (who is my mom's boyfriend at the time) is mad because he doesn't like this guy that gave my mom a ride home. He thinks the guy is just trying to hook up with her.

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